Enhanced GlasswarePeyer Tooling produces tools for enhancing glass bottles and flacons. This enhances the products and creates added value at the point of sale.These enhancements often contribute to purchasing decisions. For perfect results, Peyer Tooling participates in the process in an advisory capacity right from the start. This is how we ensure that the interaction of primer, foil and tool is optimally coordinated.
Bottles for high-quality spirits are often have elaborate promotional designs in order to stand out from other products. Peyer Tooling manufactures the precision tools required for this. With the absolute precision of tools by Peyer Tooling, promotional bottles can even be produced from glass with larger tolerances.

The value-added design process can produce elaborately shaped flacons for exclusive perfumes that give them a decisive advantage over their competitors. The precision tools from Peyer Tooling and the individual advice of our employees ensure an optimal process and unique results.